- Suspect arrested in Atlanta-area bombings

NORCROSS, Georgia (CNN) -- Federal investigators in Texas have arrested a suspect in the package bomb explosions at two Atlanta area locations of an air-conditioning and plumbing supply business.
Police refused to release the name of the person arrested Thursday or to suggest a possible motive for the bombings.
Two employees were injured and thousand of workers were evacuated Wednesday because of the explosions and fears of others elsewhere.
John Ryan, a spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, has told The Associated Press that the agency has evidence the two explosions are related.
The first bomb exploded about 9:50 a.m. at a distribution center in Norcross, Georgia, for Apex Supply Co., a subsidiary of Home Depot. The blast slightly injured a 33-year-old Apex employee when a suspected letter or package bomb went off in her face, Georgia police said. The Atlanta HVAC building was evacuated after the explosion.
Another exploded about 4 p.m. at a second Apex office in Lawrenceville, Georgia.
Later in the morning, the 4,000 employees of Home Depot's corporate offices in Atlanta were evacuated after a suspicious package was located in the building's mailroom, a company spokesman said. The package was determined to be harmless. The Apex Supply worker was treated at Gwinnett Medical Center for a facial injury and minor burns, said Paula Martin, a spokesman for Gwinnett Health Systems.
The evacuations came four days after a weekend shooting at an Atlanta Roofing Atlanta-area Home Depot that left three people, including the gunman, dead. He was apparently following his former girlfriend when she stopped at the store to seek refuge; the boyfriend followed her in and opened fire before killing himself.
Apex Supply was purchased by Home Depot in early 2000, and deals in supplies and tools for heating and air conditioning, plumbing, kitchen cabinets and more.