Vigina tightening home remedies and prolapsed bladder natural cure.
A loose vagina is a problem that affects a vast majority of women, particularly those that have just given birth. This usually happens when the entrance of the vagina over-stretches so as to accommodate the child’s passage. After a few days, it should go back to the original size or something close to it. Often times, however, it fails to go back to its normal size resulting in looseness. If you are one of the millions of women who have lost elasticity from child delivery then you already know get a tighter vag how this can impact your quality of life. A cause of great anxiety in many women is how their body changes after childbirth or as they age. Specifically, many women can feel as though their vagina doesn’t feel as it did when they were younger which can affect how they feel about sexual relationships. It can also be a get a tighter vag cause of great embarrassment with a lot of women receiving poor information about the issue.A loose vag makes it hard for women to enjoy sex as before because of the reduced friction. In addition to this, women who struggle with sagginess tend to have low self-esteem and shy off from indulging in sex with a man as they are certain the man won’t enjoy the sex. The good news, however, is that there are many safe and effective ways that can help these women get stronger and smaller without having to spend large sums of money. There are many reasons for diminished elasticity of a vagina, the most common ones being aging, chemical and hormonal changes, and giving birth. But it’s not exactly vagina that is loose – it’s the pelvic floor muscles that surround both the vagina and the vaginal wall muscle.
Here are some natural and effective home remedies for tightening your vagina naturally
1. Kegel Exercises are a proven DIY Home Tightening Method that work over time
Kegel exercises are your vagina’s best friends. First you need to identify your pelvic floor muscles and to do that you should try to stop urinating in the midstream and hold it in for 2 seconds.
Those are the same muscles that you will work on and that’s the same move you will be doing – minus the urinating part.
Do this a couple of times a day and work your way up to 150-200 per day, squeezing and relaxing alternately for a few seconds. The best part is that you can incorporate them in your everyday activities and do them anywhere and anytime – watching a movie, waiting in line or even at your desk.
2. Oak Gall
Another available remedy is Oak Gall which has an almost immediate effect and cause the pelvic floor muscles to contract. The extract of this plant is very rich in Tannin and estrogens, in addition to other substances with many health benefits. That is why this fruit has been used for hundreds of years in Asia to restore elasticity. Research has also suggested that that oak gall contains antiseptic properties that are effective in eliminating yeast, bacteria, and fungal infection.
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a proven remedy. It shrinks walls and prevents them from becoming weak. In addition to this, it is used to achieve fast relief from genital problems such as itching. Simply clean your vagina with warm water. Squeeze a small quantity onto your fingertips and gently apply the gel onto your lips. Apply twice a day for three months along with exercises such as kegels.
The most important thing is that V-tight does not include any synthetic active ingredients that may cause irritation to your vaginal area. Therefore, you can see that it is a safe product to use in intimate and sensitive areas. This is the biggest concern when it comes to women which is the safety of the product. So, now you can sleep well knowing that it is one hundred percent safe to use to tighten your vagina. has been Online since 2005 — 100% Genuine Herbs Species by Medical herbalists