How to join the Bain Exchange
바이낸스 거래소 가입 방법 (How to join the Bain Exchange)When an investment company, founded by a Republican and sharing the name of one of Batman’s most dangerous adversaries decides to make its first tentative steps into the social investment sphere, it tends to prick up your pointy bat-like ears. Yet the plot thickens further: They have also appointed a politician to head their social investment arm – it sounds like an ethically compromising episode of 바이낸스 거래소 가입 방법 the caped crusader.The back story is that Boston investment giant Bain Capital has announced that Deval Patrick, a Democrat who led the state of Massachusetts for eight years, is joining the firm. The former governor will start a new line of business, directing investments in companies that produce profits but also have a positive impact on social problems.
Bain Exchange is a company known for its hard-nosed non-compromising deal making – they literally sound like the character in Batman. How their business practices will fit in with social investment – not exactly renowned for its cut-throat deal-making process – will be interesting to watch.
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